Hey there!
As you probably know, I'm German so I want to write down some Christmas vocabulary for you! If you like reading about German culture, lenguage and things please let me know and I can to some other posts about Germany.
I'll write down the German word first and then you can have a guess what it means in English.
- Advent - Yes, that's the same, pretty easy, isn't it?
- Erster, Zweiter, Dritter Advent - 1st, 2nd, 3rd advent, the four sundays before Christmas
- Adventskranz - A wreath with four candles you light every sunday, advent wreath
- Adventskalender - 24 doors to open till Christmas, advent calendar
- Krippe - A small rebuilt of Jesus birth, crib or nativity set
- Lebkuchen - A delicious kind of christmassy sweets, gingerbread
- Nikolaus - That's our kind of Santa Clause, he brings sweets at the 6th of december
- Knecht Ruprecht - He comes instead of Santa Clause in case you were naughty
- Stiefel - boots, instead of stockings above the fireplace we use boots outside the door
- Wunschzettel - That's our whishlist
- Rentier - The animal that pulls Santas sleigh, reindeer
- Schlitten - The thing Santa uses to fly, sleigh
- Plätzchen - I love to bake them for Christmas, cookies
- Weihnachtsmarkt - A market where you drink Glühwein 🍺, Christmas Market
- Glühwein - Delicious hot kind of wine, be careful, don't drink too much!
- Weihnachten - That's the word we use for Christmas
- Weihnachtsbaum - 🎄 Christmas Tree
- Geschenke - What you get from Santa, gifts or presents
- Lichterkette - The lights we put on our Christmas Tree or use as decoration
- Heiligabend - The day we can unwrap our gifts (24th), Christmas Eve
- Weiße Weihnachten - Snow everywhere, white Christmas
- Weihnachtsmann - That's our Father Christmas
- Christkind - In some households not Father Christmas brings the gifts but the Christ Child
- Engel - That means angel
- Fröhliche Weihnachten! - Our way to say Merry Christmas!
- Überraschung - Someting under the tree we didn't expect, surprise
- Christbaumkugel - the small things you put on the Christmas tree, baubles
- Krippenspiel - It's a small play in the church, nativity play
- Weihnachtsessen - Best meal of the year, Christmas Dinner
Okay, that's my christmassy vocabulary list, if you miss something let me know! Unfortunately it all looks a but messy, I tried to creade a chart but it didn't work.
See you tomorrow!
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